Thursday, September 21, 2017

Today we started with our quiet centers and then we worked on painting our Goldenrod sketches. Mrs. Hamby showed us a new painting technique for the flowers. The technique was dabbing the brush to make tiny flower marks.

After recess the grade 1's did a printing review page and the grade 2's did book time. Then we did our math centers. Our group did the 3D shapes center. At this center we are making shapes and then we trying to name them and count their faces, edges, and vertices. Ask me to explain edges, faces, and vertices to you.

This afternoon we finished our Goldenrod painting and added our titles. Then we did our clean up jobs and went to gym. Today we played a new game called "Here Fishy Fishy"!

Then it was time for music. We read the book called the Man with the Violin.

Ms. Boyer is looking forward to seeing all our parents at conferences today and tomorrow. The book fair will be open Thursday evening and Friday morning for families who would like to buy some books.