Thursday, September 14, 2017

First day of research!

This morning we started with our centers. Here are some pictures of our table group working at the different center choices:

After centers we started learning some facts about Rosehips to add to our botany project. Did you know that...

- if you eat the seeds they can cause itchy bottom.
- they have a lot of vitamin C.
- you can make jelly, syrup, tea, and wine with the Rosehips.
- the rose petals taste like perfumed bubblegum.

After recess the grade 1's did printing and the grade 2's did solo booktime. Then we did our last math center for the week. Today our table group did pattern block pictures.

After lunch we read a story that Emmaline brought to school called Dojo Daycare. It was a perfect story to begin our conversation about being a great student. After the story we played a "finish my sentence" game. Our sentence to finish was "Great students..." After the game we got together and brainstormed a list of things that great students do. Here is our list:

We will be using this list for a special project starting on Monday.

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. Please dress appropriately for the chilly weather we are expecting!