Today we started our morning with some quiet centers and then we got ready to harvest the garden. We read a gardening story and then we talked about the three vegetables we would be harvesting: carrots, potatoes, and beets. We learned that carrots and beets are both root vegetables and potatoes are tubers. Ask me if I remember the difference between root vegetables and tubers.
To make our harvesting successful we divided into teams and each team was responsible for a difference job. We had the carrot team, the beet team, the potato team, the washing team, and the clean-up crew. Almost all of us wanted to be on the carrot team because we knew the carrot crop was going to be good, but some of us had to be easy-going and take different jobs to make our harvesting run smoothly. Once we were in our teams we headed outside and got to work. Each group worked hard to make sure their job was done and we are looking forward to baking and cooking with our vegetables starting next week!

After recess we worked on our last shape center. We will have two days at this last center and then we will have a few finish-up days to make sure all of our recording pages are finished. If we finish our recording pages early we will get to try some new geometry apps on the iPads.
This afternoon we got to meet our new Big Buddies! Our buddies are from Room 7 and in grades 5 and 6. Our big buddies took us on a practice lap of the big Terry Fox running course we will follow tomorrow. After that we read a story and had gym. In gym we played boundary ball.
After gym we went to music. Today it was Mr. O'Reilly's birthday! We surprised him by singing happy birthday for him when we arrived in music. We sang in french and in english and did "cha-cha-cha's" in both versions.
Please remember that tomorrow is the Terry Fox Run. Please wear your best running clothes that are appropriate for the weather and your best running shoes. It is also a good idea to bring a water bottle but please make sure it is clearly labelled with your name so that it doesn't get lost or mixed up. The Terry Fox warm-up assembly will take place at 10am and we will begin running at 10:30. Parents and families are welcome to come cheer us on or join us on the run. We will be running until about 11:30.
During the run tomorrow our students will each be given a sticker to wear for the run. This sticker will be used to tally their laps and is also a way for them to show their support for someone they may know who has been impacted by cancer. At home, please talk with your child about a name they might like to put on their sticker. If you or your child do not have a name in mind we will encourage them to run for Terry. We will help students write the name on their sticker tomorrow before the run.