After recess we did word work. The grade 1's met Ms. Boyer to review the -at family words and our sight words for the week. Ms. Boyer was very impressed that we could all spell the words correctly! The grade 2's worked on their vowel sounds word hunt. Then we did math. Today we started a page in our math journals to explain our understanding about repeating patterns and growing patterns.
This afternoon we continued working on our colour pages. Today we discussed trying to come up with facts that showed lots of different ways that we have become smart about colours rather than only focused on one thing such as colour mixing. Here are a few examples of some great work in-progress:

In gym we started with a fitness drill because we were sort of in the yellow zone and needed to burn off a bit of extra energy to help us get back to the green zone before music. In the drill with Ms. Boyer said "go" we had to run between the lines in the gym. When she blew the whistle we needed to freeze and then do the activity that Ms. Boyer called out. These were things like burpees, pushups, situps, and mountain climbers. When Ms. Boyer said "go" we would start running again. We did this activity for 5 minutes and were breathing really hard at the end! After the drill we continued with volleyball skills.
Then it was time for music. In music Mr. O'Reilly played a saxophone for us. We learned that a saxophone has a few parts that click together. It also has a neck strap that you can use because it if very heavy. We also learned that it is in the woodwind family of instruments. So far we have learned about 5 instrument families. Ask me about the 5 instrument families.
Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. Right now it is looking like it might be too cold to go outside, but please come prepared anyways just in case it warms up a bit.
Our helper on Monday is: Josie
**At the end of the day we seem to have had a bit of a snowpant mix-up. If your child has black snowpants please check to see if the correct pair came home. We have a pair of Jupa size 4 snowpants here and are missing the same pair but in a size 8. The missing snowpants should say Nelson or Sierra in them. Thanks!**