When it was time for math, Ms. Boyer started by showing us two examples of pattern tub recording. She asked us to look at both examples and tell us the ways that the example were different and the ways that one example showed more learning that the other. Here are the two examples. Ask me to explain why one is better than the other. Hint: There are 6 things that make one of these examples better than the other.

This afternoon we worked on our animal clues. Some groups have finished their research and have moved on to typing up their clues on the computer. Ask me how my group is doing.
Tomorrow is our drumming performance and it is also Fresh Air Friday. We will have to be flexible with our outdoor time tomorrow so that we can be available for our drumming rehearsals. The drumming performance will start at 11:00 and parents are welcome to attend.
Please remember that toys need to be left at home unless they are coming to school for helper sharing. Many students plan to bring toys for recess but it is often difficult to leave them in backpacks and they end up in the class where they can be very distracting to our learning. Thanks!
Our helper on Monday is: Aiden