In wordwork the grade 1's worked with Ms. Boyer on their new words for the week while the grade 2's had a little bit of extra journal time. This week the grade 1 word family is -ack. Our sightwords are on, for, are, as.
In math we started by learning a new game. The game is called the attribute game. At attribute is a way you can describe something, or a characteristic of an object. We used shape blocks that are red, yellow, and blue. They are also thick and thin. In the game each person takes a turn to add a new shape to the set. When they add a new shape they can only change attribute from the shape before. It is a good game for getting us to think about different attributes. After that we did our pattern centers.
This afternoon we shared our guess who posters. Each group read out their clues and then we tried to guess their animals. Our class was able to come up with some really great animal clues. We will be putting the posters up in the hallway tomorrow. If you happen to be in the school please stop by to see them! If you aren't able to make it to see them in person, here they are:

After that we had gym. We have started our gymnastics unit. Please remember to wear comfortable, stretchy clothes for the next few weeks. Please also remember that we need to be able to have bare feet, so tights with feet aren't a great choice.
Our helper tomorrow is: Katie
We are keeping our fingers crossed that the weather will warm up for Friday. If it does warm up, we are hoping to go to Nose Hill. Please email Ms. Boyer if you would be able to join us.