Friday, January 29, 2016

Jan. 29

This morning our good friend Jaclyn game to visit! Jaclyn used to work at the zoo but now she works at CPAWS (Canadian Parks and Wildlife Society). She came to talk to us about animal at risk. That means animals that are endangered or threatened. We learned about grizzly bears, swift foxes, burrowing owls, leopard frogs, kangaroo rats, yucca moths, and Weidemeyer’s Admiral (that's a butterfly). Some of the reasons that animals are threatened or endangered are: over-hunting, farming, poisons that are meant for other animals, train tracks and highways, global warming, and habitat destruction by building.

Today we also went treasure hunting! We went to look for intriguing treasures outside that could have stories in them. We have been learning to become storytellers with Mrs. Gummo and we are getting ready to tell stories about treasures from our neighborhood.

Report cards are coming home today. Please sign and return the envelope to Ms. Boyer but keep the report card at home, it belongs to you. Please remember there is no school on Monday. We will see you on Tuesday. Don't forget to to dress for gymnastics again next week.  

Reminder: It is treat day on Tuesday! 

Our helper on Tuesday is: Morgan