Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Jan. 5

Today we began researching the mammals on Nosehill. We talked about the importance of knowing about the mammals on Nosehill so that we can help to take responsibility for the park and the animals that live there. We used google images to get a good idea of what the different mammals look like. Here is the list of mammals that live on Nosehill:

Mammals on Nosehill

Mule Deer 
White-tailed Deer 
Red Fox 
American Badger 
Long-tailed Weasel 
Least Weasel 
Striped Skunk 
Varying Hare 
White-tailed Prairie Hare 
Richardson's Ground Squirrel 
Northern Pocket Gopher 
Meadow Vole 
Southern /Red-backed Vole 
Deer Mouse 
Western Jumping Mouse 
Prairie Shrew 
Dusky Shrew 
Little Brown Bat 
Long-eared Bat 
Hoary Bat 
Silver-haired Bat 
Big Brown Bat 

Today we also shared our New Year's Resolutions to see if there are ways that we can help each other to keep or achieve our resolutions. We found that there are lots of experts in our classroom who are ready to lend a helping hand!  In gym we began working on volleyball skills with the nets. We are working on overhead throws and catches over the net.  

Our colour artwork is now up outside our classroom. If you are in the school please come and take a look! 

We are planning to take a walk around the community on Friday. We are looking for a few volunteers to join us. If you are available please email Ms. Boyer. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Emma