Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 10

Today we continued working on our story plans. Some of us chose our setting and our animal characters. Some of us just finished our animal characters.  At animal research time today we buddied up with someone who is studying a different animal to share what we have so far. We helped each other decide if we needed to add more details or if we were ready to move on to the next page.

In gym we played badminton again, but this time we had the real nets set up. It was a little crowded to all play at the same time so we took turns playing. When we were waiting we worked on our fitness by doing step ups, bench dips, and bench push ups.

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. We have a few important things on the agenda. First we are going to be doing a schoolyard clean up. Last week we noticed a lot of garbage in the field and in the Whispering Woods that needs to be taken care of. We are also going to be sharing our storytelling with our big buddies and having a tour of the forts the big kids have been building! 

Our helper on Monday is: David