Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March 16

In math we continued working on our math assessment. In the math assessment some of the activities are completing a hundreds (or two hundreds) chart, grouping and counting by 10's, odd or even numbers, counting by 2's and 5's, and counting patterns.

This afternoon we kept working on our animal research. The people that were finished had a chance to go play some animal games on the computer.

Today in gym we did relay races. The races were hopping, crab walk, and bear crawl.  We were on four teams and each team had to pass a puffball to take turns racing.

Tomorrow please remember to wear green! There is a notice coming about "Lunch Lady". This is a weekly hot lunch program that students can order. It is NOT the same as fun lunch and is provided by a company external to the school. 

Tomorrow our helper is: Dominic