Today we were on a field trip! We went to the Inglewood Bird Santuary. We were learning about animal adaptations. We saw ducks, geese, chickadees, magpies, northern flickers, and a muskrat!
We also saw lots of animal clues. We saw a skull from a bird, magpie nests, porcupine scat, chewed logs, an old beaver dam, scratched-off bark, feathers, and a magpie wing.
Did you know that magpies build roofs on their nests? They do this because they build their nests early in the year and they need to protect themselves from snow. They also have two entrances for their nests because they have long tail feathers and can't really turn around in their nests.
Did you know that birds lay speckled eggs so that they can camouflage? This also helps them to tell their eggs apart and sometimes birds will even put their eggs in a different species nest and hope that the other bird will take care of their eggs!
We noticed that the chickadees would come very close to us. If you put out your hand they might even land on it! Even though that is really exciting it actually means that some people must be feeding the birds. This isn't a good idea at the bird sanctuary because the birds will start to rely on humans for their food and will forget how to find their own food. There are lots of signs at the bird sanctuary that tell you not to feed the birds!