Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31

This morning we continued working on our props for story writing. Some of us had finished making our objects and started making our animal characters. Ask me about my story idea!

This afternoon we started adding trees, shrubs, and bushes to our dioramas. We were adding evergreen trees, aspen trees, wildrose bushes, dogwood, buckbrush, and willow bushes. We are using paper and tissue paper to create the trees, shrubs, and bushes.

We also had library. Most of us were able to sign out new books but a few people forgot to return their books. Mrs. Kidd says we can return our books tomorrow and visit her first thing in the morning if we still need to sign out a new book.

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. We will be staying close to the school but we will be outside for quite a long time. Please dress for the weather. We are bringing home a fun lunch form today!

Our helper on Monday is: Carissa