Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 24

Today we started swimming lessons! When we were at swimming we went in groups based on our swimming level.  Some people were invited to join different groups if they needed to be in a different level. Some of the groups got to go in the deep pool today and some groups are going in there tomorrow. We got to eat our snacks after we finished swimming. Don't forget that we have swimming again tomorrow.

Before we went to swimming we worked on our journals. We were working on choosing two or three very important things that happened and writing paragraphs about those things rather than writing about every little thing we did on the weekend.  After lunch we worked on our 1916 View from Nose Hill pictures. We started adding colour to our pictures.  We read a book about the prairies long ago. We learned that people used wagons instead of cars. At the end of the day we got to have some iPad time.

Tomorrow our helper is: David