Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31

This morning we worked on story writing. We haven't had a chance to work on our stories for quite a few days so it was nice to get back to them. Some of us are even finished our stories and are ready to have them made into books!

After story writing we went to swimming. Today was our last day. Jason and Emma's group worked on their head-up front crawl.  Dominic, Peter, Hussain, Levi, Bilal, and Isla's group practiced jumping into the deep pool without life jackets.

After lunch we went on the computers and used the City of Calgary website to find out about historic buildings in Calgary. When we found a building that we thought was interesting we put its name on a sticky note and added it to our class chart. Here is the website we used:

We also watched a short video about Calgary 1911-1929. Here is a link to the movie:

Today we also got to play on the iPads after we did 15 minutes of solo booktime. We used the timer to make sure we all really did 15 minutes of reading before we earned the iPad time. 

1. No more swimming so don't bring your swimsuit!
2. Please return field trip forms ASAP
3. Sports Day is on Friday!

Our helper tomorrow is: Jason