Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 26

This morning we started by working on our Nose Hill viewpoint pictures. If we were finished we got to play Mathletics. After we got back from swimming we worked on story writing.

At lunch Jason found a lot of grasshoppers in the Natureground. It looked like a whole nest of them! Please be careful to watch out for this if you are exploring in the Natureground.

This afternoon we started a new project about long ago. We went on the computers and looked up pictures of Calgary in 1916 on the Glenbow Museum archives. We are trying to figure out what the homes, buildings, people, jobs, land, and modes of transportation were like 100 years ago. Then we had library. Some people forgot their books and need to return them tomorrow. At the end of our day we had some time to finish up our journals and our Nose Hill viewpoints. If you had everything finished you got to play on the iPads.

Please remember that we are still swimming tomorrow even though its Fresh Air Friday. You will need your swimming things and you might want to bring a bigger snack than usual since lunch is later on Fridays. Lots of us have been very hungry after swimming!

We are bringing home a field trip notice today! 

Our helper on Monday is: Hussain