Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25

This morning we started by finishing up our journal entries from yesterday. Then we had swimming. Some of us learned scissor kicks and treading water. Some of us got to try jumping into the water by ourselves! After swimming we learned how to do Mathletics on the iPads. If you want to do this at home you just need to download the Mathletics app.

This afternoon we looked at some artifacts from long ago. We saw a washboard, a butter churn, a berry picker, an iron, and some very very old spoons that might have been used by First Nations people. After that we talked about the different between thinking something and knowing something. We watched a video that Ms. Lee helped us to make. In the video we share some of our ideas about the past. We share our ideas, or what we think it used to be like. Starting tomorrow we are going to start researching and finding evidence to see if our ideas are true. This is part of our work to become Calgary historians. This work is leading up to our field trip to Heritage Park on June 8.

In music we learned a new song. The song was called "In the Tall Tall Grass".  We sang and also used instruments in this song. We shared our instruments with a buddy.

Don't forget about swimming tomorrow. So far we have had 100% success in remembering our swimming bags, let's keep up the good work!