Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Carrot Cookies!

To start this morning we did our new quiet centers. Lots of us were really excited about making comic books and yarn sticks. A few of us also went to the math center and worked on hidden pictures. Ask me which center I chose today. After centers we had library. We are bringing home new books today.

After centers we worked on our 3D net creations. We shapes like triangular prisms, hexagonal pyramids, cylinders, cubes, square pyramids, and pentagonal prisms to make different things like cities, football fields, castles, farms, and trains.

After recess we did three baking stations! At the first station we helped Ms. Boyer grate the carrots and the orange zest for the cookies. Ms. Boyer called us the "Grate Team" because we were really good at our job. Next we went to visit Mrs. Armour in the portable. She helped us work on our carrot cookie recipes. We read the recipe and decorated our own copy. Last we went to see Mrs. Hamby. She showed us how to do an art project with pastels. We each made our own carrot art.

After lunch we had some more time to work on our recipe and our carrot artwork. The we went to gym. In gym we played soccer. After gym we got to have some iPad time and then we did our jobs and then we got to eat the cookies!