Thursday, October 12, 2017

Zucchini Day!

This morning we started with quiet centers and then we went to the learning commons. Our new student teacher Ms. Reil read us a new story. The story was about a person who wanted to great. He thought that to be great he should try to have everyone look up to him. He made a huge tower so that everyone would look up to him, but it didn't work. Then he learned from an old lady that they way to be great is to be helpful to other people. At the end of the story he used the wood from his tower to help his village build a school. Then he was really great.

Then it was time for our Zucchini stations. We made Zucchini Bread! First, we did our zucchini artwork with Mrs. Hamby. Then we went to work on our recipes with Mrs. Armour. Last we went to the staffroom and made the bread with Ms. Boyer.

This afternoon we finished our artwork and recipes. Then it was time for gym and music. At the end of the day we got to eat the bread!