Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween Tomorrow!

This morning we started with journals. Today the grade 1's had to do 4 sentences grade 2's had to do 7 sentences because Ms. Boyer gave us the starting sentence as a freebie. The first sentence was "On Friday we went to Nose Hill." Then our job was to write about the things we saw on Nose Hill. We tried to use some of the plant names we have learned.

After recess we did a math reflection about our 3D shapes project. We had to write down which shapes we used and how many of each shape. The grade 1's had to shape words written for them and the grade 2's had to try to write the shape words on their own.  Then we had to choose one of our shapes and describe its edges, faces, and vertices.

This afternoon we worked on making posters to show our findings from our Nose Hill trip. Ms. Boyer showed us two examples of posters. One poster was a good example and one wasn't a very good example. We had to look carefully to figure out what made one poster better than the other. One of the things that made the poster good was its title. The good title was eye-catching and it gave our audience more information. Another thing was the pictures. In the good poster the pictures all had labels and interesting discoveries that we had made while we were on Nose Hill. After we figured out the things that make a good poster we got together in our groups and started working on our own posters.

Tomorrow is Halloween. Our classroom will be mostly business as usual in the morning but we will have a small halloween celebration in the afternoon. Students are invited to change into their costumes after they eat their lunch and we will all get to enjoy the Halloween parade and a short movie in the afternoon.