Friday, October 20, 2017

Leaf Study and Plant Mapping

Today was Fresh Air Friday. We started with a bit of center time and then we did two different activities.

First, we worked on our leaf study. We made leaf rubbings using crayons and the leaves we collected from the Whispering Woods. We had to fold our art journal page into 4 sections and then we placed the leaves under the page. We also added a title to our page. Our title was Leaf Study. We used different crayon colours to do our leaf rubbings and we did 4 different leaf rubbings. When we did the rubbings we noticed that the veins in the leaves made designs and that every leaf had a different vein pattern. Our leaves were many different sizes and shapes. Some were pointy and some were smooth. Some of them also had dots. We noticed that some of our leaves have become brown and crumbly on the edges but still seem alive in the middle.

Second, we mapped the whispering woods and recorded where we saw the different plants we have studied. This is an important skill for a botanist because it is important to know where you have found different plants so that you could find them again. A botanist might want to take a sample of a plant back to their lab to study and would need to know where they had found the plant so they could return to it another time. A botanist might also want to map the plants in an area so that they could see if anything changes over time. We used different symbols to show the rosehips, buckbrush, willows and aspen trees.  When we were looking closely to make our maps we noticed buckbrush and rosehips in places we hadn't noticed before.

Have a great weekend! Please remember Tuesday is Treat Day and Thursday is PJ and Stuffy Day!