After big buddies we talked about the sketching we did last week. Last week we focused on sketching one aspen tree and tried to really pay close attention to the details in the tree. Today we tried to take that learning and apply it to a landscape sketch of the Whispering Woods. Before we went outside to start sketching we talked about some techniques to help us show perspective in our drawing. We looked at some landscape paintings and observed that objects in the painting that were closer to the bottom of the page and that were bigger appeared closer to us. Objects that were further up the page (closer to the horizon line) and that are smaller appear further away. Then we went outside to sketch.

When our sketches were finished we had our indoor recess break and then did our Mathlympics medal tally for this week. So far our class has earned a total of: 94 bronze, 76 silver, and 68 gold. All together that is 238 medals!!
Once our medal count was finished we went outside and finished the day with a game of camouflage in the Whispering Woods. Some of us are getting very good at being camouflaged even though we have very bright coats!
Our helper on Monday is: Reid