Wednesday, March 21, 2018

This morning we worked on our All About Me writing. Before we started Cedar and Leander showed us their finished bubbles that were all coloured and ready to go in a pocket. Then, Mika from room 1 came over and showed us a final piece she added to her work. Mika and her mom printed out some pictures of Mika and she added them as a border on her page. Some of the pictures were baby pictures, some were from pre-school, and some were of Mika doing her hobbies. Ms. Boyer said that we are also welcome to add this extra detail if we would like.

Today in Mathlympics some people went to the closing ceremonies and some people went back to have a second try at some of the stations. We were trying to get at least one medal at each station before we went to the closing ceremonies. Some people were able to finish the closing ceremonies and then they became coaches! We will have another day to work on this tomorrow. 

After lunch we did animal research. Today Ms. Boyer talked to us about some "Must Have" items we needed on each page. An example of a must do on the diet page was that you had to say if your animal was a herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, or insectivore.

If you have not returned the permission form that came home yesterday, please try to return it tomorrow. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Lawrence