Thursday, March 8, 2018

This morning we started with our usual guided reading and centers. Then, we had library. Normally our library time is on Wednesdays, but Ms. Douglas was teaching us yesterday so we rescheduled our library time for today. A few of us have chosen to sign out the "battle bunny project" books created by the grade 5-6 classes. These books are very special and can only be borrowed for one night, instead of the usual week. If you borrowed one of those books please be sure to treat it with extra care and return it tomorrow.

After recess was Mathlympics. Before we began we practiced our counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's patterns and also talked about an adding strategy called counting-on. For counting-on we used a hundreds chart to help us keep track of our numbers.  If you are interested in practicing some math skills at home, these counting patterns and the counting-on strategy would be a great idea to practice.

After lunch we watched a story called Bear Has a Story to Tell and then it was time to work on our animal research. Some of us have finished our research about our animal's appearance and were ready to begin researching its diet.

Then it was time for gym. In gym we practiced hitting the tennis balls against the wall and then practiced our serves with a drill called "serve and return plus one".  Next week we will try badminton!

Our helper on Monday is: Aksel
Our new sharing category is favourite photo! Feel free to bring a hard copy or email a digital photo to Ms. Boyer

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday! We are going to be doing some sketching outdoors. Please remember to wear your snowpants because we will probably be sitting in the snow for a least part of our outdoor time.