Monday, March 12, 2018

Look at our beautiful aspen trees!

This morning we started with journals. We took a look at our journal target to see what we needed to be aiming for today. Now that we are in getting ready for grade 2 and getting ready for grade 3 mode we need to be aiming for the center of the target each time we work on our journal writing.  Here is a reminder of our target:

Today in Mathlympics we went to our fourth station. Before we started we practiced our counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's patterns and discussed a smart strategy for the cross country skiing.  It is the hardest station. Before today and our new smart strategy no one had earned a cross country ski gold medal. Today after learning the new strategy some of the competitors won gold!

This afternoon we worked on our Aspen Tree sketches from Friday. Today we added chalk to the sketches. We used rubbing and smudging to mix and blend the colours.

In gym we played badminton. We practiced hitting underhand shots and hitting overhead smashes!  We also tried to have some rallies with a partner.

Our helper tomorrow is: Addison

If you have not returned your yellow form about your plans for next year, please do so ASAP. If this form has been lost please ask Ms. Boyer for a new one or send Mrs. Rennie an email letting us know if you plan to attend Dr. Coffin school next year.