Wednesday, April 11, 2018

An Artistic Day

Today was a very artistic day. After our usual Wednesday start of guided reading and library we got together with a friend to share our paper bag books. We showed them our family page and our All About Me page and read them all our information.

After recess we worked on our Picasso-style portraits. We used small brushes and paints to add bold colours to the pencil drawings we made on Monday. Tomorrow we will finish up the last step, adding black outlines using Sharpie markers.

In the afternoon we did another art job! This time we used our new understanding of Picasso and  his cubism style to make a special piece of art for the volunteer tea. This time we had a choice for the colour. We were invited to use paint or coloured Sharpies. Most of us chose to use Sharpies. We had to be really careful to fill all the spaces with colour so that it would look really bold and professional.

After that we had gym time outside. It is very wet and mucky outside! Lots of us ended up with wet socks. For the next little while it is probably a good idea to pack an extra pair of socks in your backpack.

We are coming home with 2 notices today. One is a permission form for our next field trip and one is an invitation to the family dance. 

Please remember that tomorrow our school will be showing our support for the Humboldt Broncos by wearing jerseys or by wearing the Bronco's team colours (green and gold). If you would like to bring your hockey stick to set outside our front door you are also invited to do that. Please make sure your stick is clearly labelled with your name. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Jasper