When we got to the house we went inside and did an activity to learn about all the different animals that can be found at the bird sanctuary. Lots of different animals come to visit because there are three different ecosystems at the bird sanctuary: grasslands, water/wetlands, and forest. After we finished our activity we had a snack and got ready for our long hike.
On our hike we walked for over an hour and saw lots of great things! We saw a deer, a beaver den and dam, canada geese and a canada goose egg, a northern flicker, chickadees, a hawk carrying a big stick, and even a muskrat! Marc also showed us some animal evidence like woodpecker holes and even a real beaver tail and an antler.

After our hike we had lunch and then we went into one of the classroom to look at some animal biofacts. There were 5 different stations. The bird station, the rodent station, the cats and dogs station, the ungulates station, and the bear station. Ask me 5 things are observed or learned from the stations today.
After we finished at the stations we each chose an animal to sketch. On our sketch we had to include the ways that our animal's body or behaviour helps it to adapt or survive. Some examples were beak shapes or leg lengths can help birds to find their food. Ask me about the animal I chose and how it has adapted.
Tomorrow is a big day. It is twin/triplet day and also treat day! If you have not already arranged to be a twin or triplet feel free to wear your Dr. Coffin shirt and you will likely find lots of other twins to join!