Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Solar Project!

This morning we had our Earth Day and Solar Project Assembly. At the assembly the Green Team shared some important information about our garbage, recycling, refundable, and compost program. The Team has noticed that some items are ending up in the wrong bins and gave us some tips for putting things in the correct bins. After that we found out that our school is going to get solar panels! These panels will help us reduce our carbon footprint and should be installed this spring or summer.

After recess the grade 1's did booktime and the grade 2's did wordwork. In wordwork the grade 2's learned the three rules for adding -ing to words. In math we continued with our bird sanctuary problem. Before we started Ms. Boyer showed us an example of some math drawings that would make sense for this problem. Tomorrow we will share our strategies and solutions for the problem.

This afternoon we worked on our animal research and dioramas. Then we had gym and some finish up time. If our journals were finished we got to make a free choice.

Tomorrow is the volunteer tea! We look forward to seeing many of our parents and grandparent volunteers.