Friday, April 27, 2018

Saa'Kokoto, Sketching, and Bird Watching

This morning we started by welcoming Saa'Kokoto back to our school. We all gathered in the learning commons to present him with an offering and to hear some stories. Saa'Kokoto will be coming back to our school 4 more times and we will even get to go to Nose Hill with him!

After that we went outside to finish our sketches of the school. We started the sketches yesterday but didn't have time to add all the details or colour. We will be adding these sketches to our paperbag books as part of the "My School" page.

After recess we went to do some bird watching. We went to the green path that we take to get to Nose Hill. While we were bird watching we used tally marks to record the birds we saw. We saw Cedar Waxwings, Black-capped Chickadees, Magpies, Robins, Golden Finch, Hawks, Crows, Woodpeckers, Blue Jay, and Hummingbirds, We also saw lots of butterflies!