Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A special guest

This morning we had a special visitor in our class. He was yellow and very hairy! He helped Ms. Boyer with her guided reading groups, listened at the carpet while Ms. Boyer shared the story of the fire at the original Dr. Coffin school, watched us while we did our own sketches of the school fire outside, kept us company during our lockdown practice drill after recess and supervised our games of Race to 100 in math. 

Please ask me about our special visitor and the activities he helped us with this morning. We were all especially excited to hear about the fire. Ask me to tell you a few details about this. Please also ask me to teach you how to play Race to 100. This is a great game for practicing our 'counting-on' adding strategy. 

This afternoon we worked on our dioramas and then went outside to play Kings Gold in gym. Today we had a ladies team and a mens team. But, we have more boys than girls in our class so a few boys agreed to play on the ladies team. It was our best game of Kings Gold yet! Ms. Boyer noticed students being really honest about tagging and being really good sports during the game.

Our helper tomorrow is: Lily