After recess the grade 2's met with Ms. Boyer to review and practice the rules for adding -ing to the end of words. At home, try testing me with some words to see if I can use the rules! While the grade 2's were working with Ms. Boyer the grade 1's worked on a practice page for this week's words. Then it was time for math. In math we worked on finishing up the problem we started yesterday. If we finished early we had some time to play Mathletics.
This afternoon we started by reading an Eric Carle story called Mister Seahorse. Ask my what made the animals in this story interesting and a bit unique. Then it was time to work on our dioramas. Before we went to work we reviewed the steps for our work that we learned yesterday. We also talked about ways to give our friends feedback about their work. Ask me what types of things would be good feedback and what types of comments would not be good feedback.
Here are a few examples of our dioramas so far. We are working really hard to add lots of details so that our dioramas look realistic.

When we had finished working on our dioramas we went outside to play kings gold. In our first ame some people got upset because they felt that not everyone was being honest about tagging and being tagged. We had a conversation about the importance of honesty in sports and especially in games where there isn't a referee. After our talk the second game seemed to go a bit better.
When gym was over we went to see Mr. O-Reilly for music.
Our helper tomorrow is: Senna