Thursday, May 3, 2018

An assembly and getting ready for bird watching!

This morning our schedule was a bit different because the grade 5/6 students were doing a practice exam so we switched music times with room 7. This meant that we went to music at 9:00! We were all joking that it was time to get ready to go home when Ms. Boyer came to pick us up at 9:45!

After music we worked on finishing the second part of our Dr. Coffin timeline. The second piece was that in 1968 Mickey the Mascot was created by an artist in Edmonton and gifted to the school by the architects who designed the first Dr. Coffin school. To show this part of the timeline we drew sketches of Mickey.

After recess we went to watch the Grade 3/4 learning assembly. They have been working as jr. geologists and anthropologists this year so they put on a "rock" show! They sang some great songs and shared their learning about different types of rocks and how we can tell them apart. When the assembly was over we had some time to finish up our math problems from yesterday. These problems were more challenging than the ones we had done before and took quite a bit of perseverance to complete!

After lunch we spent some time learning about our focus birds in anticipation of our CPAWS visit tomorrow. We went with our focus bird groups and learned about the size, habitat, food, and range of our focus birds. Ask me to share some facts about my focus bird! 

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. We will be going bird watching. If any parents would like to join us please feel free! We will be hiking around our neighbourhood for about 1 hour so please make sure students are dressed for the weather and wearing good walking or hiking shoes. 

Our helper on Monday is: Addison