Monday, November 12, 2018

First Day with Mrs. Yoon

Today in Room 2:

Since it was the first day with Mrs. Yoon, we talked about what it means to be a part of a classroom community. Then, we created a class promise about how we will respect others, the environment, and ourselves. We also brainstormed ways that we can show respect. Finally, we each created a personal promise and wrote them onto individual hand cut-outs that we pasted on the poster as reminder and symbol of its importance.
After recess the grade 1s started book time while the the grade 2s were introduced to a new work work activity. In pairs, the grade 2s tested each other on Sight Words and learned to spell them correctly.

Then it was time for some math. We worked in our table groups to start our patterns poster from Nature. First we had to create a title, then cut out and glue on our pattern pictures that we took from the Whispering Woods and the Nature grounds on Friday.

For gym, we learned three different ways to serve in badminton. Then, we practiced our serving skills by playing a game of "Not in Our Backyard".

We finished the day with more research for our insect projects in Science.