As a final reminder, tomorrow is Treat Day! Room 2 still needs one more volunteer to help set up and sell treats at recess time. If you are available to volunteer, please sign up through Sign Up Genius or contact our room parent directly, thank you!

Today, after writing about our weekend we worked on creating patterns with insects as it fits into our science theme of arthropods. We also learned about increasing and decreasing patterns. We demonstrated our knowledge by creating our own patterns with insects, and some of us started creating increasing patterns as well. Here are a couple of examples from class.
For word work, the grade 2s got their spelling tests back and highlighted the words to be corrected. Then, they practiced spelling the words correctly on individual whiteboards with a partner. The grade 1s practiced printing the letter 'n' and came up with words that start with 'n'.

In gym we got to go on the climbing wall with the help from Mrs. Wilkens. We learned some safety rules such as: (1) do not jump off the wall, (2) direct the weight in your knees towards the wall then look in the direction that you want to move before proceeding, (3) do not wear jewelry and tie up long hair, (4) if you are about to fall, use the "tuck & roll" method, (4) do not cross your hands or feel when moving on the wall, and (5) only climb when a supervisor is watching.
Spirit day is coming up on Wednesday, and we will be dressing up as a teacher in our school. This will be a surprise so please keep it a secret. If you have plaid shirt please prepare to wear that on Wednesday.