Monday, November 5, 2018

Getting Ready for Mrs. Yoon

This morning we switched up our routine a bit to work on a few special projects for Mrs. Yoon. We won't mention exactly what we were doing, in case Mrs. Yoon reads the blog, but please ask me about our special projects!

After recess we started talking about our new math study: patterns. Today we talked about some important features of patterns and then we went and started to conduct a pattern hunt around the school. We will finish up our pattern hunt tomorrow.

This afternoon we worked on our arthropod research. Almost all of us are using books to find out about the habitat, diet, survival strategies, and interesting facts for our arthropod. Before we got to work, Leander shared some research he had done to answer Ms. Boyer's challenge question from Friday. He found out that ladybugs huddle together with other beetles to keep warm in winter.  After Leander finished his sharing Ms. Boyer asked a follow-up question for us to try to answer: Is there something special about Ladybug blood that helps them survive in winter?

At the end of the day we had a visit from some students in grade 5-6. They were here to tell us about the foodbank drive we will be running starting tomorrow. Each class will be working to collect as many donations as possible for the Calgary Interfaith Foodbank.  The class that collects the most donations will win the Souper Can!

Today we are bringing home our school photos. Orders are due by Thursday Nov. 8. This is also re-take day. If you would like re-takes please bring your photos back to school with you on Thursday. 

Don't forget your foodbank donations!