Today we tackled our second math word problem. We learned from yesterday that there are many different ways to try and answer a math problem. Also, it is really important to read the question carefully and find the clues within the word problem, such as any numbers that may be present and any key words. Then, we can use pictures or symbols to represent our thinking and problem solving. Some people prefer to use manipulatives or can solve it in their minds, but it is important to communicate that thinking on paper as well. Finally, we have to add a final sentence that answers the question. After trying the word problem independently, we discussed a few examples from the class.
Here are a few examples from today:

In this example, large circles represented "dogs" and the little circle represented "puppies". After drawing the symbols, it is easy to count up all the circles to see what the total number is. Once the answer is found, we are to write a final sentence
answering the question.

Other people used tally marks or cubes to represent the animals, then added them all together.
We were also reminded that when we make a mistake in math, our brain grows!
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Today was also our last day of Jungle Safari. Our new challenge for today was to do 7 squats any time we landed on a red mat.
In computers we had the option of typing up our math board game rules - students who wish to type their rules up at home may do so and bring them in next week. Everyone else was working on Mathletics or Raz Kids.
For word work, the grade 2s went over their word findings and to their own word tables for the hard-e sounds. Some of the "ee" words were: green, tree, feel, queen, freeze, knee; and some of the "ey" words were: key, journey, valley, hockey, honey, parsley, money.
We realized, though, that the "ey" combination can sometimes sound like the hard "a" (such as, "they, hey, grey").
1. Special Helper for March 11 is Inaya - prepare to share about your favorite movie or actor/actress
2. The next Fun Lunch, Extreme Pita, is scheduled for Thursday, March 14, 2019. The deadline for you to place your child's order online at is tomorrow night, Friday, March 8 at 11:59 pm.