Monday, March 4, 2019

Mar 4

Today we learned about writing hamburger paragraphs and then tried writing in our journals with all parts of the "hamburger". We start the paragraph introducing the topic of the paragraph, then we add juicy details in the middle. Our goal is to add at least three separate details. Finally, we summarize the paragraph with the concluding sentence.

Then, for word work the grade 1s started the "-ig" family while the grade 2s finished their journals and then moved on to quiet reading.

In math time we had a "Show and Share" for our board games with all of the grade 1s and 2s. We did this to share our ideas, get inspiration and provide feedback to each other before finalizing the games.  This week we hope to finish up our games boards and add embellishments from the feedback we received today.

Then at the end of the day we conducted our science experiment. We put our hands in hot water and cold water for 30 seconds, then put both in lukewarm water. We found out that the hand from the hot water felt colder in the lukewarm water than the hand from the cold water, which felt warmer. It was interesting because the lukewarm water did not change temperatures but it felt different depending on the hand. We think this is because the hand in the cold water was adjusted to the cold temperature so the lukewarm water felt hotter than it actually was, and vice versa.

1. Special Helper for tomorrow is Jeffrey - please prepare to share about your special talent.