Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19

  • Math: we did more practice with word problems as a group then we tried solving a word problem on our own.  
  • Word Work: the grade 2s practiced sentence dictation - where Mrs. Yoon read out a sentence and we had to listen for each word and try to write them down. The grade 1s had independent quiet reading time. 
  • SS: we read a book about the Arctic and learned about transportation. Many of their roads are special and made from ice and snow. They use snowmobiles, dogsleds, and all-terrain vehicles in the summer. Longer journeys require flying. People in Nunavut rely on things like planes and icebreakers to get around. 
  • Gym: we started with hot dog tag and then we played dodge ball and capture the flag. 

1. Special Helper for tomorrow: Eli (favorite movie or actor/actress)
2. Face-to-Face Conferences start Thursday
3. Try to find the answer to our SS question: what is the difference between a territory and a province? Why is Nunavut a territory?