Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18

  • Math: We focused on the word "each" when solving math word problems. If this word appears we have to make sure to apply the  We reflected on our experience sharing our math board games with the big buddies. We recorded our thoughts on what worked well, and what would have benefited from some changes or additions. 
  • We also played "What's the Sum" and "What's the Difference" to practice our adding and subtracting skills. Ask us how to play this and try it with us!
  • Science: we conducted an experiment using ice and salt. We investigated what happens to ice when salt is added.  
We learned that ice melts a lot quicker when salt is added. This is because salt lowers the freezing temperature of water so the ice begins to melt. We had a discussion about how this effects salt water in the Arctic Ocean. We came to the conclusion that since the Arctic Ocean is salt water, the freezing point is a lot lower than that of fresh water (0 degrees Celsius) - if it was made out of fresh water the ocean would be frozen solid because the temperatures in the arctic are below 0 degrees Celsius.
  • Gym: we played ant tag then capture the flag! 

1. Special Helper tomorrow: Aadhya (favorite movie or actor/actress)