For word work, the grade 1 worked on writing "ig" words independently, while the grade 2s searched for "hard-a" sound words that have "ea" and "ei". Some of the "ea" words that we found were: steak, great, and break. Some of the "ei" words we found were: neighbor, vein, reindeer, eight, and beige.
We also had a serious discussion about internet safety. The internet and technology are amazing tools for learning but we have to be careful and critical thinkers when using it. We are responsible for only using technology in school for appropriate things - which would be instructed by our teacher. If there are strange things that pop up on the screens we know to tell an adult or show the teacher immediately.
At the end of the day we all got a turn to play the new drum sets that Mr. O'Reilly in music class.
Special helper for tomorrow is Maeve