Monday, April 15, 2019

April 15


  • Math: Worked on a new math problem - "Kim had 33 sled dogs.  She wanted to make teams and each sled could only take 6 dogs.  How many teams could she make?"  Today we used symbols and grouped them to represent the teams of dogs as a strategy to help us find the solution.
  • Science: worked on finishing up our questions for our Arctic Buddy Challenge - we had to summarize things that worked well, things that could have been improved, discuss our roles & responsibilities in the experiment, and then think of ways we could do even better to work in a group next time.
  • Gym: parachute games - we played Cat & Mouse, then added extra challenges where the mice had to gather "cheese" under the parachute and the cats were stealing the cheese from the opposing teams.

1. Special Helper for tomorrow is Karthik (favorite movie or actor/actress)
2. Save the Date:  Tuesday, April 23, 2019 – the Calgary Police Services will be presenting an online safety information evening for parents at our school at 6:15 pm.
3. Next Fun Lunch is scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2019.  The food provider will be Subway.  Please order your child's Fun Lunch online at no later than midnight on Friday, April 12, 2019.  As well, we still need volunteers to help set up, distribute, and tidy up for this April 11 Fun Lunch.  Please sign up on the Sign Up Genius.  A reminder, too, that you can also order and pay for your child's last Fun Lunch of the school year which is scheduled for Thursday, May 23 with Panago Pizza as the lunch provider