Thursday, April 18, 2019

April 18


  • Math: we continued working away at our Inuksuk Challenge - most people were able to finish up their write-up for it.
  • Computers: everyone got to log onto their Chromebooks and we experimented with Google slides - we learned how to "share" slides with Mrs. Yoon, change themes, add slides, add text, and add images.
  • Gym: we played "States of Matter" outside - everyone starts out as liquid molecules (walking around). Each player has the change to change into a different state: solid (stays still and does not move) or gas (moves around very fast - running). To change state, players get tagged by either a "fire" person (liquid into a gas, or solid into a liquid) or a "frost" person (gas into liquid, or liquid into a solid). Then we ended with games of Fruit Basket. 

1. Special Helper for next Tuesday is: Lawrence (favorite game)
2. No school tomorrow or next Monday

Enjoys the long weekend!