He talked about how Na'a (mother nature) has many colorful animals and gifts that she brings us in the spring. Then he shared a story about Eagle boy. From this story we learned about the importance of never giving up, the importance of kinship and family, and sharing.
- Computers: we learned how to use Google Docs and Voice-to-Text, then we explored Google Slides and started creating a presentation of our choice. We played around with the features such as font, color, theme, adding pictures and text.
- Math: We completed our Math Word Problem #4:
Mike had 30 baby teeth.In Kindergarten he lost 2 baby teeth.Then, in grade 1 he lost 5 baby teeth.Then in grade 2 he lost 7 baby teeth.How many baby teeth did he lose in total? How many baby teeth does he have left in his mouth?
- Gym: We played frisbee games with hoops - one game was like musical chairs,

the other one was with a partner and we practiced passing.

1. Special Helper for next Monday is: Aadhya (favorite game)