- Today we had the opportunity to share our Plant Identification Books to our big buddies. We took them to the Nature Ground where we found the flowers during our investigation of plants. Although many of the flowers are no longer visible on the grounds, we were able to show our big buddies where they use to grow and show them the pictures and facts from our books.

- Then we came inside and read the story "Planting a Rainbow" by Lois Ehlert
- We learned that some flowers start as bulbs - these bulbs are planted into the ground and then after some time they grow into beautiful flowers
- Afterwards, we went outside to the front of the school to:
- Dig holes that were about 1 kid's hand deep
- Place a flower bulb in
- Cover with soil
- Added water on top
Here we are digging...
Some areas were a lot harder to dig in than others...
But we were able to make holes that were at least a kid's hand-size deep...
Then we placed in a flower bulb and covered it with soil...
Finally, we added water on top!
- Later, we met with our big buddies again and went outside to the look around in our Brentwood Community for environmental math and interactive art:
- The big buddies were studying angles and sizes, whereas we were looking at colors and shapes because were starting our new unit on colors next week!

The colors that we noticed were used the most often were: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow
There were lots of fun interactive art pieces that we got to enjoy with our big buddies~
This is the "Mirror"

This one has us using our left and right feet
Long jump was very popular!
- Please remember to bring library books back for Monday :)
- Monday, October 28th is swimming.
- please remember to pack your swimsuit, towel, extra undergarments, and a small snack and a separate bag to carry swimming items to the pool.
- We are still needing more volunteers, especially for Nov. 4th - if you have police clearance and are available to help out on one of our swimming days please let me know :)
- Halloween Parade will be on Oct. 31st in the afternoon. Halloween costume expectations and parade details – be respectful of the costumes you are choosing for your child to wear to school We also discourage violent type or extremely scary costumes. Do not bring all of the props or extra items that go along with your costume. Leave props at home. The Halloween parade will start at about 1:20 pm.
- No school on Friday, Nov 1 (PD Day)