- This week in word work we have learned about the following letters: T, t; a; d; and G, g

- In Science we were finishing up our plant ID books, covers and back covers. We are hoping to have these done for Friday so that we can share them with our big buddies. Here are a few cover pages that were finished so far:

- We also learned about researching facts about the flowers we have been studying in science. Mrs. Yoon showed us that research can be done using books and on the internet using a search engine. We used a book to look up facts on the Great Blanket Flower. Mrs. Yoon read to us from the book and we were able to pick out some interesting facts. Here are the ideas that we took notes of as a class:

- Then, we used Google to look up interesting facts about the Goldenrod flower. We learned that: (1) Young goldenrod leaves are edible (you can eat them!) (2) chewing leaves helps with sore throats and toothaches (3) Flowers were used as herbal tea (4) Flowers were used to make yellow dye.
- Afterwards, we had to pick some facts about the flower and create "fact bubbles" to glue onto our paintings.
- For Math, we met as a large group and gathered the totals from both classrooms:

We talked about the numbers and learned that room 2 had more vegetables than room 1. We will be using these numbers to solve math problems in the coming week.
- Tomorrow is our first day of swimming! October 24th
- please remember to pack your swimsuit, towel, extra undergarments, and a small snack and a separate bag to carry swimming items to the pool.
- We are still needing more volunteers, especially for Nov. 4th - if you have police clearance and are available to help out on one of our swimming days please let me know :)
- upcoming swimming dates for next week: Monday Oct. 28 and Wednesday Oct. 30
- For this Fresh Air Friday (Oct 25th) we are planning on going outside to plant various flower blubs in our flower beds - these were donated to our family by the Embry Family :)
- Halloween Parade will be on Oct. 31st in the afternoon.
- No school on Friday, Nov 1 (PD Day)