It is only Tuesday, but what a busy week it has been so far! This will be the only blog post for this week, as Mrs. Yoon is sick and will be away for the rest of the week. Fortunately, Mrs. Remmer has agreed to be our guest teacher!
- This week, the grade 1s started word work while the grade 2s had book time. The grade 1s learned about the Magic C!
The "magic C" is very helpful because it teaches us the proper way to write other letters of the alphabet, such as "O, Q, G, g, a, e, and d." More practice writing with the "Magic C" will help us to write letters in the correct direction, rather than flipping the letters and writing them backwards.
- We also had the special opportunity to see Finn's beads. This long line of beads represent different events through Finn's cancer journey. We are all very happy that he overcame cancer and is here to share in our grade 1 and 2 experiences and memories.
- In gym we are in our soccer unit so we have been working on different drills that teach us to ...
...dribble the ball and walk through different obstacle courses,
pass the ball to our partner, stop the ball with the inside of our foot, then pass it back...

and shoot the ball into a target!
- In math, we took the vegetables from our harvest and started a math and art project with it. First, each table group got a bundle of vegetables and were tasked to sort them, then record the total number of each type of vegetables using tallies and numerals.
Some groups took on the challenge of making the carrots look like tally marks! :)
- Then, today we had a very special activity! We got to make Zucchini Bread using the Zucchini's that we harvested from the garden at school.
First, we had to prepare the zucchini.
We made sure to wash our hands, then wash the zucchini,
and then we used the grater to grate the zucchini into small bits.
We had to measure out 3 cups of grated zucchini for the recipe.
Next, Mrs. Yoon put on a "cooking show"!
Select guests, chosen by our special helper based on best audience skills (those who were demonstrating whole body listening), were able to come up to the "show table"
and help with the creation of the zucchini bread.
First, the special helper started us off by using the electric mixer to beat three eggs together.
Then, audience members were selected to come up and mix in the other ingredients:
1 cup of oil, 2 cups of sugar, 2 tsp of vanilla,
1 tsp of baking soda, 1 tsp of baking powder, and 1 tsp of cinnamon.
Afterwards, we stirred in the grated zucchini!
Then, it was time to add 3 1/2 cups of flour and grated it together with a wooden spoon.
Finally, we greased 2 loaf pans, and poured the batter evenly into both pans.
We baked the bread in the oven at 350 degrees celsius for about 1 hour, and voila:
Try repeating this recipe at home :)
- One final highlight would be learning how to create diagrams! We started with a fun time lapse video of a sunflower growing from a tiny seed to a tall flower. It was so neat some of us could hardly believe that it was real. As the flower grew bigger, the leaves would move up and down. Then we got to look at a real life sunflower and its roots! We learned to make close observations and created a detailed drawing of the sunflower in our art journals. Then, we created lines with a ruler pointing to each part of the plant to add the labels.

- Swimming forms have been sent home today. These will need to be completed and returned before October 15, 2019. Swim lesson fees will be assigned to your My CBE / PowerSchool Account late next week and are to be paid online before October 31, 2019.
- Swim lessons are scheduled for the afternoons of October 24, 28, 30 and November 4, 6, and 13.
- Baking Carrot Cookies and cooking Potato Soup is coming up this week - Mrs. Remmer will lead those "cooking shows" with the class.
- A special visitor, Saakokoto - Blackfoot elder - will be visiting our school and talking with our class this Thursday!
- PD day this Friday (October 11) - no school for students.
- No School on Thanksgiving (October 14)
- Please remember to bring library books back for Tuesday :)
- Wednesday, October 16, 2019 is Photo Day!
- Wednesday, October 16, 2019 is also our literacy-based ‘curriculum evening’ from 5 pm to 7 pm. All parents and guardians are invited to attend this special evening event with your child.