In social studies and language arts we are beginning to write about our family traditions. To begin, we are using a graphic organizer to get our main ideas down on paper. We are organizing our ideas using the 5W's + H (Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How). Next week we will start to turn these ideas into a paragraph about our family tradition.
In math we are continuing our pattern study. We have been exploring patterns in many different ways including art, stories, colours, numbers, and shapes. As part of this study we have been reading stories by Robert Munsch. His stories include a lot of patterns and we have enjoyed searching for them as we read. Thank you to our class friends who have brought Robert Munsch books to share! We are also working on a name pattern project. In this project we are using our names to create a letter and number pattern. Here are a few finished examples:

In science we have completed our colour study! Today we did a final art project using corn syrup and food colouring. Ms. Boyer was happy to hear all of our correct predictions about the ways that the colours would mix during this activity. We will have to wait more than a week for these pieces to dry so they can't go on display yet, but here are a few examples:

Dates to Remember:
Tomorrow: Saa'Kokoto visiting!
Tomorrow: Fun Lunch