This week we are starting on some new projects and also continuing a few projects from before the break. In our writing and social studies time we are continuing work on our family traditions project. Our goal is to be finished our pictures and frames by the end of this week. Next week we will begin the writing portion of this project. Here are some completed pictures:

In math we have started our new study of patterns. So far we have talked about repeating patterns and growing patterns. Today we went on a pattern hunt around the school and recorded the patterns in our math journals. In addition to recording the patterns using drawings we are also learning to label our patterns using letters. Ask me to show you how to label patterns using letters.
In science we are finishing off our color study with some exciting experiments. This week's experiment is called "Magic Milk". We tested to see what would happen if we added drops of food coloring to milk. Then we tested to see what would change if we added dish soap. Ask me to explain the results!

Dates to Remember:
Fresh Air Friday - January 10 (Please dress warmly!) School council meeting - January 14
Healthy Hunger Lunch - January 16 (please send in your orders quickly if you are interested)
** We have quite a few open volunteer spaces for home reading January-March. If you are able to volunteer please go to Sign-up Genius to see available dates.