Friday, January 24, 2020

Signs of Animals


Today we continued our study of local animals by learning about the types of signs animals leave behind. We brainstormed some of the animal clues we have observed such as tracks, scat (poop), fur, markings, sightings, carrion (animal bits and blood), and rubbed tree bark.  We also read a great story about animal clues called "In The Snow: Who's Been Here?" by Lindsay Barrett George.

After our snack, Mrs. Hamby shared some photos of animal clues she found on her walk yesterday and up at her family farm. We took turns trying to guess what animal would have left those clues. Then we got ready to go outside to look for our own animal clues in the Whispering Woods. We worked in groups of 3 or 4 and recorded our findings by taking photos and marking the locations of the evidence on a map.  Next week will be working on a mural of our findings.

Dates to Remember:

Tuesday January 28: Twin or Triplet Day
Friday January 31: Non-Instruction Day (No school for students)
Tuesday February 4: Music field trip to the Mount Royal Bella Concert Hall. **Volunteers Needed! Please email Ms. Boyer**