Language Arts/Social Studies: This week we have continued to work on our family tradition writing. We are using a graphic organizer to help us with our ideas. Our plan is to finish our plans this week so we can work on our final writing piece next week.
Math: Our pattern study has continued this week. We are completing our name pattern project and many of us have started creating our "Pattern Palooza" colour pattern placemats.
Science: We are really getting into our new science study of local animals. This week we are using Google Images to look up the different mammals and birds that live on Nose Hill. This is our first step towards becoming experts about Nose Hill animals. Later on in our study we will each be choosing an animal to research in detail.
Gym: Today was our first day of basketball games. We have been working hard on our skills and today we were ready to put our skills to the test! Overall the games went well but we need to work on a few things to make it more fun for everyone. First, we need to be careful not to strip the ball out of other peoples hands. Second we need to be careful not to hit people on the hand when we are trying to get the ball away from them. We will keep playing tomorrow and try to improve our skills.
Dates to Remember:
Friday January 31: Non-instructional day (No school for students)