Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Caring for our Teeth

This morning Ms. Boyer introduced a new center for us to work on when we are not a guided reading. We are working on some very detailed pictures that will decorate the gym for our assembly on May 25. The pictures are all about Canada. After centers we continued out story writing. Three more students have moved on to typing!

After recess we had word work and then we moved on to math. The students who are still working to finish up treasure math staying in the classroom and the student who are finished went to the library to play Race to 100 and Math War.

This afternoon we had some special guests come to talk to us about caring for our teeth. We had 4 different presenters who have to talk to us and talked to us about brushing and flossing, keeping our gums healthy, eating healthy foods, and drinking lots of water. Ask me what I learned from the presentations this afternoon.

This Friday we are going to be doing a mapping activity in our neighborhood. If there are any parents who are available to volunteer it would be very helpful. Please email Ms. Boyer if you are able to help. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Katie